Posted in Knitting, Miscellaneous, Technique

New knitting toy

Just as I should never enter a bookstore alone, I should never go into Michael's alone.

Yesterday, I was on the hunt for a particular yarn, and needed a couple of circular needles and some large-size crochet hooks.  I didn't find the yarn.  I found the crochet hooks.  As for the needles?  Um.  They had the needle size, but not the length I wanted.  Instead, I found this:

New Toy

So I spent more money than originally planned but, in theory, I need never buy another circular needle, therefore saving money in the long run.  At least, that's what I told spouse.

And I ordered the yarn off the internet.

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Mild-mannered government retiree, now a full-time actor, fiendishly obsessed with yarn, books, and Doctor Who, much to her husband's chagrin.

2 thoughts on “New knitting toy

  1. I have one of these! I haven't gotten to try it yet, though. I keep wondering if I strung all the cables together, would it be flexible enough for Magic Loop on a pair of socks…


  2. I like it so far! Being a fairly inexperienced knitter, I've yet to make a pair of socks and have never tried the Magic Loop technique. In fact, I just found out what it was a few days ago. The video I saw said a 24" cable was the smallest size that should be used.


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