Posted in acting, Life in general, Year in review

2022 in review: Acting and other life events

You may recall that I retired from the day job near the end of 2021 with the intention of pursuing acting full-time. Here’s what happened:

February: had new headshots taken

March: I put together an acting reel (if you want to see it, the link is here), and sent out submissions to talent agencies. Signed with East Coast Talent.

March: I started regular training with Drama Inc in camera and audition technique. I seriously love this acting studio. They have a wide variety of classes available, and their fees are reasonable.

April: Spouse’s and my 20th anniversary. We celebrated with a trip to Vegas. We saw Blue Man Group and Cirque du Soleil, ate lots of wonderful food, saw some amazing sights, went on a helicopter ride, and generally had a grand time.

April through December: 35 auditions, five callbacks, 3 bookings. Not bad for the first year!

I shot two short films (one of those without an audition, just based on resume/reel), an industrial training film, and a feature film. I did two table reads for feature films as part of their fundraising — no guarantee of getting the part when they’re finally funded and ready to shoot, but that’s normal. I cut way back on stage work because I need to leave room for TV/film, but I still did two short play festivals with local Atlanta theatres.

June: Had two bouts with Covid. Paxlovid knocked the first bout down in June so I could go back and finish the play festival I was working that month. A week or so later, I had Covid rebound, which is a thing after Paxlovid. Blech. Despite the precautions we took, spouse got Covid in July. More blech.

July: Spent several days with my mother in Alabama as my father’s illness was getting worse.

I took a Linklater Technique class in August/September that really helped with breath control and getting centered. This technique isn’t just for actors and singers; it’s useful for anyone who breathes and feels and wants to find their authentic voice.

Autumn: Essentially took the majority of the last quarter of the year off from film work. My father passed away in mid-September, and I again spent several days over several weeks with my mother to help square away Daddy’s affairs. After Thanksgiving, I drove with her to Missouri and Arkansas to visit family she hadn’t seen for a long time.

December: Covid round 3, right after the last film shoot, which was a few days before Christmas. I tested negative before the shoot, but a few days later, I’m down for the count. I guess I picked it up on set. I have now sworn I will not go anywhere without a mask, and will only unmask when we’re shooting. As of today, I am still Covid-positive, but the line is barely visible on the home test kit, so I expect test negative in the next day or two.

I’ll be starting 2023 off right with a short film shoot (MASKED WHEN NOT ON CAMERA!) and a staged reading in January, as well as beginning a Meisner technique class (because I haven’t taken an acting technique class since college).

Here’s to an excellent (and hopefully Covid-free) New Year!